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#1 best-selling course
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Award-winning books by
Catherine Ann Jones
now available on Amazon
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Waking Universe'
Lance Mungia
Catherine Ann Jones
Check out the interview here!
Looking for deeper dimensions of creativity?
Award-winning author & writing consultant Catherine Ann Jones provides a thorough in-depth professional analysis of your Books, Fiction & Non-fiction, Plays & Screenplays.
Create a marketable selling script or book today!
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Video--Empaths, Sensitives, & Intuitives: Catherine Ann Jones
Click here to watch video
This interview is part of the Empaths, Sensitives & Intuitives Summit a free online event. This recording is a copyright of The Shift Network. All rights reserved.
Actor-playwright Catherine Ann Jones on India’s stark realities and eternal beauty
A new book by former actor-playwright Catherine Ann Jones takes you deep into the heart of India, highlighting not only India’s wealth of spiritual knowledge, but also its intrinsic discrimination and superstition.
Read the article here
Feb 15 on S5 E315 Catherine Ann Jones, Award Winning Author & Writing Consultant
https://youtu.be/gD0GuVh_GQI Crafting Stories & Spiritual Journeys
East and West: Stories of India available on Amazon.com, flipkart.com, bookstores in 19 countries
Click here to watch the video.
Ojai Quarterly podcast interview: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/N3vMSySA6Hb
3 Favorite Books for 2023: https://shepherd.com/bboy/2023/f/catherine-ann-jones
Recently Released
Early Reviews for East is West: Stories of India
Most of her enthralling stories, though not all, are located in India, a country and its people that Catherine loves and knows with the deepest understanding. She writes with the clarity and delicacy of butterfly wings.
- Roshan Seth, actor
These memorable stories are so different from each other in theme and characters – and yet each is located in that place in the heart where east and west meet. Based on years of grounded observation, these Stories of India are beautifully transporting and evocative.
Betty Sue Flowers, Ph.D., editor, Joseph Campbell’s The Power of Myth
Catherine Ann Jones is a great story teller. The stories in this book are all set in India, but each one has a very different context and shows a highly insightful and impartial look at the Indian culture. Each story is unique, wonderfully written and enchanting. Not only worth reading, but reading again and reading aloud to others. Highly recommended.
-Ravi Ravindra, Ph.D, author of The Bhagavad Gita: A Guide to Navigating the Battle of Life
In the best tradition of storytelling in India, this new book by Catherine Ann Jones is a modern classic. Seemingly covering the entirety of Indian culture, values, current events, and philosophy, the fifteen stories in her collection will long be treasured for capturing the ethos of the twenty-first century. In spite of the 114th sloka of the Dharma Shastra that intones "The essence of dharma is hidden and elusive," it is true that the Catherine Ann Jones dharma is storytelling.
R.E.Mark Lee, World Teacher: The Life and Teachings of J. Krishnamurti
East & West (Stories of India) by Catherine Ann Jones are simply delightful and show how deeply she understands our Indian ways and our cultural heritage. I loved the simplicity and honesty of each narrative and found myself in each story living the situation and the outcome.
- Meena Kaushik, Ph.D. and CEO of Quantum Consumer Solutions. Bangalore, India
Freud’s Oracle: Based on the life of H.D. and Freud
Freud’s Oracle, a new play by award-winning author/actor Catherine Ann Jones, is a one-person play about the American poet H.D. and her relationship with Sigmund Freud. H.D. suffered great personal losses and a nervous breakdown due to the Great War and became Freud’s patient in 1933 because of an increasing paranoia about the rise of Hitler and the fear and certainty that another world war was coming.
The themes are the travesty of war and the triumph of the individual spirit.
Freud’s Oracle held me spell-bound. Very compelling! Catherine Ann Jones captures the elusive essence of love at the core of the creative power and healing force of the “talking cure.” We experience the timelessness of memory in which past, present, and future collide to open portals to the dreams and visions of the unconscious mind that can restore a sense of self and love of humanity even in the midst of war and a world run amok. Hendrika deVries, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist
I think what impressed me most was the atmosphere and tone you set up through H.D.'s reminiscences. She became a real embodied person for me as I read of her history and the terrible period of anticipation between the wars. Truly a strong and dramatic vignette in history with the right voice carrying it, it will be a powerhouse performance.
Thank you for letting me experience H.D. on such a poetically personal level.
Dennis Slattery, Ph.D., The Wounded Body
A beautiful job of catching H.D.’s voice through your gathering together of lines from her own writing - a fine sense of her rhythms, transitions, images. I love imagining your performing this - you will do so beautifully!
Christine Downing, Ph.D., The Goddess: Mythological Images of the Feminine
I think Freud’s Oracle is terrific! I am going to read it over again. Bravo!
Arthur Kornhaber, M.D., American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, Spirit
Thank you for your wonderful play, which brought so many memories back of reading H.D.’s poetry, and more. I was pleased to find that you interpret Freud as one open to the symbolism of all cultures and the oneness of the psyche. Your Professor is a wonderful character. I would love to see this come to life when you perform Freud’s Oracle. Alfred Collins, Ph.D, Jungian psychologist, FatherSon
In this deeply suspenseful drama, art turns analysis inside out as the poet, HD, puts Freud under her gaze. Seeing and being become a form of love. Freud’s Oracle is moving, mysterious, and wise.
Betty Sue Flowers, Ph.D., Editor, Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth
Many of us have thought, “If only I could transport myself back in time to Freud and the fascinating people who surrounded him!” Jones’s new play comes as close to fulfilling this wish as anything I know. The present moment melts away as we step inside H.D.’s intimate experiences of herself, Freud, and their era. Jones’s artful work not only pays tribute to the past but is a true gift to the present.
Dianne Skafte, Ph.D., Listening to the Oracle
A play of a soul's treatment and recovery by Murray Stein
Catherine Ann Jones's new play, Freud's Oracle, is a story-teller's fascinating retelling of a storyteller's story, so a hall of mirrors whose many reflections shine forth from several sharply faceted angles to baffle, entertain, stimulate, teach, frighten and delight the reader. The story takes you on a journey into folds of time and with a strong undertone of the timeless and the mythic. A poetic mind is on site. It's all about healing symbols and rituals amidst the hazards of life, including enduring the traumas of wars and confronting the powers of evil.
Murray Stein, Jungian Analyst, author of Soul: Treatment and Recovery

Congrats on your gentle, charming and engaging stories, True Fables. Excellent content and voice for kids. I really liked them.
Arthur Kornhaber, M.D, Life Fellow, American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Spirit
I feel like I've just returned from an enchanted voyage, reading all of your True Fables stories in a row. The spell stayed with me through each new account, and it still lingers. These stories have a magic all of their own. I think their special power comes from a deep sincerity and truth, combined with soft, inviting lessons for the soul. Because your accounts are true, they exude a living presence that most manufactured stories can't achieve. And a larger spiritual aura surrounds it all.
Dianne Skafte, Ph.D., Listening to the Oracle
I think that stories like these will stimulate parents or adult readers to recall their own childhood stories as well as young children. - Trent Jones, Ask Now realtor
Catherine’s stories are sweet and just right for the early reader and picture book crowd. Comforting and comfortable, they will be enjoyed by children and adults everywhere.
Julie Albright, Children’s Services

Buddha and the Dancing Girl is a story of inner and outer adventures, from acting in New York to writing in Hollywood, and from a girlhood in Texas to a spiritual search in India – a life fully lived, offering us remarkable experiences, memorable people, and deep wisdom. What a privilege to read about this life!
Betty Sue Flowers, Ph.D., editor, Joseph Campbell and The Power of Myth
You inspired me through your new book, In Buddha and the Dancing Girl, I can't quite explain how I was inspired but it has something to do with the way you described the opposites in your life coming together, and the way events can define and alter our lives. Dixie Gladstone
Buddha & the Dancing Girl is so warmly and gently written, her lessons learned quickly become our own. Reading about the author’s life varied explorations of diverse dimensions of possible experience help us to energize, validate, and increase attention to our own spiritual consciousness.
Arthur Kornhaber, M.D., Spirit
Catherine’s outer life and accomplishments is matched in its richness only by her inner spiritual life. What a life lived! Catherine balances the tug of war of opposites - the inner spiritual world in one hand, the outer world of theater, acting, writing in the other - with the grace and beauty of a ballerina. Buddha & the Dancing Girl is a beautiful and fascinating read that I literally could not put down.
Molly Jordan Koch, co-author of Magic Time: My Life in Hollywood
Most memoirs inform us about the author. In Buddha and the Dancing Girl, Catherine Ann Jones teaches us about ourselves. - Dianne Skafte, Ph.D., Listening to the Oracle
Buddha and the Dancing Girl perfectly describes the difference between ordinary time and the Story that emerges in this moving remembrance/creation. I couldn’t put it down. Catherine Ann Jones gives us a life with two centers, art and the spiritual quest.
As her title implies, she dances for the sake of a deeper reality.
Al Collins, Ph.D., Fatherson: A Self Psychology of the Archetypal Masculine
Discover today! Available on Amazon in Print, Kindle, or Audible.
Quotes from workshops
The Way of Story workshop is absolutely amazing! Worth every penny. Catherine's insightfulness, sensitivity, and intuitive nature brings both wisdom and direction to the craft of writing. Bravo, Catherine!
- Trudy Town, Ojai, CA
As you know I have been writing the book about my cross country road trip to walk labyrinths. I highly recommend a wonderful writing teacher & consultant to anyone working on a book-project: Catherine Ann Jones.
- Dorit Brauer, Germany
Thanks again for a superb workshop. Being in Catherine's workshop is like watching a master chef at work. She has all the recipes and knows her ingredients, but she trusts her instincts to tell her when to add a dash of this, a pinch of that, or to turn up the flames to make the dish completely hers. She presents a feast for the imagination. With appreciation,
- Gary C, Austin, TX
Thank you for opening my soul to see what is still within me.
- Mary B, Hope Town, Abaco - Bahamas
A journey every writer should embark upon! Experienced or not, published or just self-exploration writing, the benefits are shared by all. Catherine gives of herself, openly and honestly, and pushes us as far as you allow her to go.
- Ali E, Seattle, WA
An invigorating immersion in the structure and soul of good storytelling.
- Karen G, Friday Harbour, WA
The most valuable aspect was your instant revision suggestions: clear, understandable, and always spot on!
- Pauline M, Victoria, B.C.
This workshop awakened "aha" moments not only for my writing but for my life as well. Thanks you for giving me the freedom to write and write and the courage to make mistakes and feel.
- Carol Ross, Bellevue, WA
Just what I've been asking for! Practical, supportive, and yet challenging.
- Joan M., Bend, OR
A breakthrough workshop. I wanted to extend it for another week- if not a month!
- Alan L, Vancouver, WA
The Way of Story has allowed me to finally get going and start making my story real.
- David R, Olympia, WA
This class was so much more than writing. Thank you for expanding my vision.
- Mary S., Redmond, WA
Catherine has a gift for inviting the imagination and soul to speak, as well as providing very useful practical tools. I was able to write from the "inside out" for the first time in years.
- Hyla R, Eugene, OR
The weekend was a real gift. Catherine has a wonderful way of combining the practical with the spiritual, which is just what I'd been looking for in a seminar. The size of the group, the setting, lunch together made for an intimate event. Not only did I leave having learned some useful new techniques, I also left feeling centered, focused and validated in my pursuit of writing.
- Jo Ann, Half Moon Bay, CA
A comfortable and safe place to risk the territory of writing. Her non-judgmental support provided great technique and fun exploration at the same time.
– Nadia N.
The Way of Story de-mystified the writing process and has given me a comfort with my own writing, allowing me to come out in full. Your personal stories are wonderful!
– Vonder G.
Catherine Ann has an uncanny ability to hear the kernel of truth and play it back as new and refreshing. She has opened a door for me to begin my journey, awakening my sleeping self.
- Carol L.
The Way of Story is the beginning of a journey to the stories within me. With Catherine Ann, we are in safe hands. She teaches us how to drive the bumpy terrain.
- Julie C., singer-songwriter
An amazing journey and now I know I can sit down and start writing. You are a wonderful teacher as well as kind and compassionate. Thank you!
- Fern B.
The workshop has a sense of wholeness that Catherine possesses. Wonderful to experience an enlightened person who has triumphed over herself and is able to teach what she was born to do and do it well. In a way, she is giving all of us the gift of acceptance.
– Mike B.
Your direction of the group helped me awaken to the connection with my experience and the words. I am inspired to continue the journey.
- Thom L.
Thank you for providing the understanding that the power of writing comes from the things not said. You are a knowledgeable & a wonderful teacher!
- Jeff H., Ojai, CA
This has been great the second time. I got another jump start which is what I came for. Thank you.
- Phyllis S., Palm Springs, CA
Catherine, you're definitely a master of your craft. It's intriguing to see how you draw from the world. I'll seek your advice in future! - David S., Ojai, CA
Catherine, your workshop was a spiritual experience as well as practical. Thanks so much!
- Gard J., Boulder City, NV
Catherine does the wonderful thing of connecting your soul to your writing and that is truly priceless.
- Danny Leong, Singapore
Catherine Jones makes writing accessible. Her approach encourages deep honesty in storytelling. Thank you for showing how to write a good story!
- Leana M, psychologist and writer
Thank you so much, Catherine. I was at first intimidated by the very experienced writers in the room but found it was an opening up process for me, especially at this time in my life.
- Kai, actress, singer, songwriter
A safe, sweet, well thought out presentation, more than worth the money! Inspirational! Just right! I greatly thank you.
- Richard R., writer-producer of The Night of the Living Dead
It's uplifting to see someone who's had a successful career in Hollywood be dedicated to helping others bring heart and soul into writing.
- Kate B., WGA screenwriter
Catherine Jones's focus, clarity, and gentle but spot-on reactions help identify the weak or lazy spots in your writing. Thank God! She is the elevator of purpose.
- Joan B, journalist & novelist
A safe place to discover oneself as a writer. Exercises to open up the process and to learn the essential steps of story structure.
- Linda Leonard, Jungian analyst and author of Wounded Woman (Healing Father-Daughter Relationship)
An eye opening class thanks to Catherine's vision and experience.
- Sharon Tan, Dream Forest Productions, Singapore
I came out of the workshop with a better script and a clearer idea of how to achieve that. The best part was your one-to-one sessions. With your clarity and vision, you were able to sift out what I wanted to say and add more 'meat to my bones.' I look forward to your next workshop!
- Dora Tan, Singapore
Your insights were keys that gave me a new perspective on how to write for an audience and for Hollywood. My heartfelt thanks!
- Ron , Los Angeles, CA
After many years I feel that I'm speaking the truth when I say I am a writer.
- David M., Los Angeles, CA
This seminar gave space and encouragement to touch and ultimately cradle the protected creative within.
- Caroline
Privileged to have had you. Amazed how much you gave in so short a time. Far exceeded expectations.
- Jill, Oakland, CA
Catherine Ann Jones will help you discover the gold hidden within. More importantly, she gives you the tools to write and shape your internal treasure.
- Connie
Beyond my expectation! Thank you, Catherine, for opening a new door into the creative process!
- Elaine M, Ojai, CA
Where for the first time, I discovered the shadow of human character hidden in the word. Thank you, thank you, Om!
- Nadine M, Ventura, CA
Inspirational! Awakening my long sleeping creativity. A great course!
- George T, Ventura, CA
Inspirational! I now know what a muse is.
- Kara M., MarVista, CA
Dynamic and inspirational! The Way of Story is more than just about writing. It is about spirituality and life opening the way and providing the courage to look into your very soul.
- Andrew R, San Diego, CA
The Way of Story is is simply the best writing course I've ever experienced. Catherine Ann Jones is a teacher unique, blending superb writing craft, soul-connection, and psychological expertise.
- Nan Henderson, M.S.W. - Ojai, CA
The workshop helped me trust what I instinctively knew about the form and essence of a great story. By making this understanding conscious, I can now access and apply it more fully and with confidence.
- Jennifer W, Mill Valley, CA
Catherine invites the sacred characters from the Soul and then gives you the grounded tools of craft and structure to write the story.
- Reda R, Carmel Valley, CA
Catherine is an exceptional teacher. She knows how to make each feel important and bring our their story.
- Ruth Kundert, Reedley, CA
An amazing experience! A magical and memorable class.
- Scott E, San Rafael, CA
I came with my fingers crossed and left knowing all I needed to know. I am forever grateful.
- Cat M, Fairfax, CA
A beautiful revelation! You articulate how life and art become one with luminous clarity. My life is transformed. I can only thank you for your generosity of spirit.
- Paul S., Campbell, CA
I came empty, and now my story toolbox is full. Can't wait to get home and go to work!
- Richard R, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA
You make everything seem possible.
- Doreen H, Selling to Hollywood Conference, Los Angeles,CA
A truly inspiring weekend that encouraged me to think deeply about the way I write, what I write and why I write. Catherine is a supportive and enabling tutor with a wealth of professional experience and wisdom for emerging and more seasoned writers. Buy her book too and forget about Robert McKee, John Truby et al. Excellent value for money!
- Anne Woods, UK
This course was a wonderful surprise. Catherine’s style is intimate, safe, inspiring. I loved that we learned a lot by "doing" - and this was the pleasant surprise- by physical exercises. This course will remain with me for a long time for all these reasons. I thoroughly recommend it!
- Theresa S., Gloucester, UK
Thank you for a weekend of thought-provoking, challenging and valuable insights. I leave freshly inspired!
Looking forward to your playwriting seminar at Stanford in 2007!
- Alice Carter, Stanford University
A most generous tutor. It would be difficult to imagine a more involving, productive, and truly educational workshop weekend. Ms. Jones gives tools, encouragement, and ideas in a warm and insightful manner. I will never forget this weekend workshop!
- Chris H., Winchester
Thank you for providing the understanding that the power of writing comes from the things not said. You are a knowledgeable & a wonderful teacher!
- Jeff H., Ojai, CA
A very worthwhile weekend. I take with me ways of working with story from a new perspective. Thanks so much.
- Ellie N., Springville, CA
This has been great the second time. I got another jump start which is what I came for. Thank you.
- Phyllis S., Palm Springs, CA.
Catherine, you’re definitely a master of your craft. It’s intriguing to see how you draw from the world. I’ll seek your advice in future! - David S., playwright, NYC
I loved this! Most useful was the freedom of structure. Your ideas were clear, concise, easily understood. Appreciated, too, your gentle supportive approach. I’m encouraged to continue writing.
- Amanda M. Ojai, CA (writer of hit song, The Rose)
By reminding us over and over about the basics, you help us stay the course, giving us tools easy to remember and use.
- Helga S. Ojai, CA
Your structure gave my story wings. I’ve never been so clear on what I want to write.
- Linda L., Ann Arbor, MI
At last, a working, professional writer who teaches writing!
- Joe S., San Francisco, CA
A wonderful workshop, Catherine! I learned about the craft of structure as well as accessing the soul of a story. A weekend well-spent. I am enriched.
- Maggi M., Newbury Park, CA
Very inspiring. Good knowledge of structure, a gentle process of learning pushing us forward, inviting creativity to flow. Thank you!
- Lee S, Hollywood, FL
This class is amazingly effective for its revelation of story structure & timing, the trajectory of characters, and most importantly how character drives plot. I wouldn’t change a thing!
- Helga S, Ojai, CA
Anyone taking this workshop with an interest in writing would benefit greatly. I simply want to express my gratitude to you. I will remember most your eyes, the way they light up when one of us had a breakthrough. This happened to each and everyone in the room. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
- David N., Chicago, IL
A valuable experience for anyone and everyone! Just the right focus on story structure, giving us the necessary tools to delve into our individual truths.
- Bill H., Esalen Institute, Big Sur, CA
Catherine is a gentle, encouraging soul. I was fearful of making mistakes and of sharing with a group of strangers. What a relief to learn that both fear and making mistakes are part of the creative process!
- Denise A, Thousand Oaks, CA
Enlightening with plenty of tools you can use over and over again. A splendid release of creativity and to get in touch with your emotional self while honing your writing skills. Invaluable, life-changing!
- Andi S, Ventura, CA
I don’t want this workshop to end! I'm standing on the crest of my life and you have given me the courage to jump! Thank you!
- Karen R, Ventura, CA
A psychological break-through! Now having crystallized my life theme, I am able to release my long-suppressed creativity.
- Tracy L., Ventura, CA
I have been reading your book, The Way of Story, and it is so refreshing to see what it is you do with all your heart and soul. I like the style of the book a great deal and how you weave the personal autobiographical elements with the
illustrative examples of myths and cycles of being and archetypal roles that we each experience. You write with understanding as having transcended the most challenging cycles.
- Jane Samuels, UK
This course has been a turning point in my life, awakening the creative self and teaching me how to feel.
- Martin, M, retired psychiatrist, age 92
Over 60,000 subscribed to six online courses
In the video below, interviewer Dianne Skafte asks Catherine to tell us about her soon-to-be released book of stories set in India. The author, who is an actor, the playwright of 11 award-winning productions, and an Emmy-nominated Hollywood screenwriter, wrote EAST & WEST from a very personal place. Catherine talks about her lifelong relationship to India, including her marriage to Raja Rao, the renowned Indian novelist. The beautiful preface to her book, which she reads in this interview, pays tribute to India's timeless interweaving of the spiritual and the worldly, the light and dark, the personal and the universal. These stories speak to a place within each of our souls, regardless of the time and place in which we live.
Click here to watch the video.