Review for What Story Are You Living?
As an award-winning writer and teacher, Catherine Ann Jones brings not only a wealth of practical tools for the writer but healing balm for anyone’s soul.
Catherine has taught aspiring writers in all genres at venues including Esalen with outstanding results and now with the publication of What Story Are You Living? brings her healing mastery to a wider audience – both writers and non-writers.
Her graduate degree in Depth Psychology and Archetypal Psychology provides a deeper understanding of the human journey than most writing teachers and her students, past, present and future benefit from her unique multidisciplinary approach..
Through her probing questions and exercises, students are often led far beyond their wounds and pain into the realm of deep healing.
The process of revealing answers, only comes from probing deep questions that she so ably provides her students.
In What Story Are You Living, Catherine provokes and cajoles readers to reveal the deepest parts of their psyches and souls and in the process they often discover deep seated revelations that free them from their self imposed prisons.
It’s obvious if you are not living the life you came here to live that you will not be a happy camper or be able to serve the world with your special gift. More pointedly you are apt to become depressed and/or angry at yourself for not revealing yourself to the world and projecting this low sense of self esteem onto your family, friends, colleagues and community.
Too many of us hide our genius because of doubts, fears and wounds instilled by well meaning family or friends, malicious others, or mass mediated reality causing us to shut down – victims of contraction and low self-esteem.
Is it possible for a book to be life changing? In this case, the answer is a resounding yes because this has happened for many of Catherine’s students over the years and it can happen for you if you bring your authentic self to the table.
Then with that honesty and desire to transform your life and a willingness to risk being vulnerable, you can use her catalytic focused journaling exercises to literally see with new eyes, open your heart, and take what may be a life transforming journey without seeing a therapist.
Quite a promise from reading a book, but this is no ordinary book.
So if you are ready to move past your former limits and expand into the person you have been holding safe yet without real passion or creativity, Catherine has written the book you’ve been waiting for.
Whose life are you living? Have you betrayed your soul’s calling? Are you living a lie to please others? If you are living an authentic soul life, perhaps you won’t need this book but for many people they have been living others’ expectations so long, they have given up on their dreams. For them the journey undertaken in this book could quite literally change their lives.
Revisioning our lives is an exercise worth taking even if it means you may first experience a kind of death. But beyond that death is the life that has been waiting in the wings of your inner stage. Releasing your true self from its self-imposed prison is the greatest journey you can take. Some remain contracted and in fear most of their lives and others have the courage to remember their deepest calling and embody it for the first time. This liberation and transformation may be the single most important step we can take in our lives if we have been postponing our calling.
What Story Are You Living? by Catherine Ann Jones offers that opportunity for those who are ready.
– Jeff Hutner, The New Paradigm
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