Heal Your Self with Writing workshop in San Francisco, CA

Just returned from an intensive weekend Heal Your Self with Writing workshop at CIIS in San Francisco. Great students.

Here are some of their comments:

Comments from Heal Your Self with Writing workshop at CIIS, San Francisco

Catherine guides us into the deep well of memory and emotion then brings us safely back with treasures of self-awareness and healing. An amazing workshop! Truly awesome!

April Zachary, Vacaville, CA

I appreciate how thorough this workshop is, as a spring cleaning, and one that will last for the rest of my life!

Lisa Marie Bautista, San Rafael, CA

The exercises are powerful tools to work through issues in a very safe and supportive way.

Valentina Moyam, Santiago, Chile

Heal Your Self with Writing was a deeply transformative and powerful experience. Catherine Ann Jones provides the tools and space for profound integration and insight.

I am profoundly grateful to have had this opportunity.

Blake Coke, Arcata, CA

My experience of this workshop is multi-layered and charged with energy that will take time to process, reflect, and integrate.

Aharin Coke, Arcata, CA

I am once agan reminded and mystified by the uniting power of story. Hearing and reading my own aloud within a safe container of like-minded people has been thought provoking, inspiring, and healing. Catherine’s seamless fusion between art and spirit has empowered me on my own spiritual and creative journey.

Jeanette Hamming, Los Angeles, CA

This is a moment of intimacy with your Self in which writing from the soul is the light that illuminates the hidden treasures that wait behind the wounds.

Marta Rubinart, Barcelona, Spain

Catherine’s writing prompts are original and stimulate deep inquiry in creative ways. I appreciate this time to craft my life story in a way that brings about valuable lessons. This workshop is a gift.

Amy Vito, Santa Rosa, CA

Good workshop! A lot of emotions processing crammed into a short period. Great exercises!

Amber Trotter, San Francisco, CA

Catherine’s workshop was very helpful in locating the hand to reach deep places of our psyche. As a writer, I find this process to be both personally revealing and beneficial to my own writing practice.

Zhayra Palma, San Francisco, CA

I truly appreciate the important work you do, Catherine, and am honored to experience this workshop. Many blessings on your Path!

Berenice Freedome, San Francisco, CA