Sunsets in Santa Fe

Posted by on Nov 5, 2012 in Narrative, Writing Tips

On the road again with The Way of Story so please forgive my delay in writing to all of you.
Just finished serving as a final judge – my 13th year! – for the Ojai Film Festival in Ojai, CA. As usual, the documentary films trumped the narrative shorts and features though there were some excellent films in all categories this year.
Though it may have nothing directly to do with writing, I must state that the sunsets here in Santa Fe, New Mexico are outstanding!

Thoughts on Writing

All too often in my capacity as a teacher of writing as well as that of a writing consultant, I am confronted with writers trying to be clever for the sake of cleverness. This can sometimes prove a detriment to good storytelling.

So my advice to you is not to think of yourself as writers but think of yourself as good storytellers. Afterall, that’s what the audience or reader wants above all.
Oh yes, and take a deep breath and find a stunning sunset.